Trauma Counseling

You’re not what happened to you.

Many people believe that physical strength is the ultimate sign of courage. After all, one who is strong is often seen as a symbol of bravery and power. However, true courage isn't just about physical strength. Instead, it's about having the bravery to face adversity and overcome obstacles, even when it seems impossible.

Trauma has a lasting impact that can affect us throughout life including our ability to love, work and parent. Sometimes trauma is quite obvious such in the case of car accidents, abuse and natural disasters and something that happened directly to you. Other times it's more about what did not happen to you such as not receiving love, encouragement and attention in those moments when you needed it the most such as the case with inattentive, overworked or depressed caregivers. You may not realize how impactful these experiences were at the time especially if you worked really hard to be the best or distracted yourself by keeping busy. Truth is, you have to face the darkness in order to see that light but good news is you don't have to do it alone.

When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, it takes strength and resilience to persevere and keep going. It is in these moments of hardship that we can truly discover what gives us the strength to keep moving forward.

Trauma presents:

  • Cognitively - leading you to believe that your needs don't matter, you do not have a voice, you are unworthy, are too much or are unsafe.

  • Physically - resulting in trouble sleeping, feeling on edge, overstimulated and can be linked to other health concerns including gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and neurological issues

  • Emotionally - as exhaustion, confusion, anxiety, agitation and irritability, numbness

  • Relationally - limiting your ability to trust others, causing you fall too hard, too fast, fearing abandonment and commitment

Restore hope and find healing following a traumatic life event.

Our brains and bodies have an innate ability to heal; however, following a traumatic event, that healing processing can stall or be stunted. Trauma therapy helps you learn how to confront the struggles that come from your experiences. Each person has an origin story and by exploring this story, we can discover your strengthens to write the next chapters based on post-trauma growth and understanding.

While the memories themselves will not disappear, the dramatic impact it has on your ability to function in work, life and relationships will greatly improve. We work to develop various strategies and tools to help you reestablish a sense of safety, confidence and control from the things that currently trigger negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Healing is marked by:

  • New understanding of beliefs, behaviors and patterns

  • Increased control of your emotions and behaviors

  • Healthy, fulfilling relationships with yourself and others

  • Living in the moment

light your story, finding light

With therapy, you can

Find your strength to move forward in the next chapters of your life.