Relationship Counseling

We need relationships like we need food and water. When they are out of sync, often the rest of our life feels like it is too.

Relationships are typically built on shared attitudes, beliefs, and values; however, our attitudes, beliefs and values change or get reprioritized over time and at a rate that is different than our partners. The changes can happen as a result of major life events such as the birth of child or lifestyle choices related to one’s friends and family. We may fall into unhealthy patterns that seem like connection but these patterns such as people-pleasing and avoiding conflict actually lead to patterns of resentment, anger and disconnection. Individually or with your partner, relationship therapy offers you the opportunity to discuss the discrepancies in your relationships, identify problematic patterns, deepen your relationship and re-align your values and priorities.

Relationship distress looks like:

Irritability, frustration and resentment towards loved ones including friends, parents, partner, children and colleagues

Feelings of guilt or shame for the way you behave during arguments

Feeling overwhelmed or fearful about the future of your relationship

Caring too much, not enough or fearing commitment in relationships

The same argument over and over with no resolve

An inability to cultivate a shared vision of the future

Specializing in working with:

  • Singles

    Build a better relationship with yourself grounded in curiosity, self compassion, and self love. Together, we explore your past problematic relationship patterns so you can move forward confidently in the healthier relationships with others.

  • Couples

    Dating, pre-marital and married couples are encouraged to explore what brought them together, identify difficult relationship patterns and learn how to navigate conflict more effectively. Your once shared hopes, dreams and goals are renewed, redefined or reestablished with the help of safe a environment and an unbiased therapist.

  • Parents

    Improve your relationship with yourself to assist you in parenting the way you envision. The therapy space is designed to support you to heal your unhealed wounds, incorporate self compassion, and build a relationship with your child that feels good for both of you.

  • Life Transitions

    When there is a large amount of change at a particular phase of life, you may feel the pressure to have things all figured out. Such changes can be the starting or ending of a relationship or a job, becoming a parent or an adult child moving out. Maybe you have no idea who you are or what you want next for your life. You’re invited to explore and navigate the next steps with unconditional support so you to can move forward confidently.

Together we will:

  • Explore your values, attitude and beliefs about relationships and figure out how these align with those around you

  • Identify your unmet needs and how to express those needs to others

  • Develop the courage to say no without fear of guilt, shame or disappointing others

  • Improve sense of safety and stability in your relationships

  • Learn ways to work through that “stuck issue” that keeps replaying in your relationship

  • Improve your self confidence in love, connection and parenting